Applicant Placeholder:
- If the Producer is setup as an INDIVIDUAL, the PRODUCER will be placed in the "Applicant" spot.
- If the Producer is setup as a BUSINESS ENTITY, the FIRM will be placed in the "Applicant" spot.
- If the Producer is setup as LOA, the DIRECT UPLINE will be placed in the "Applicant" spot.
Broker Dealer Placeholder:
Additionally there are Broker Dealer designations setup for some carriers that have a need to designate the Broker Dealer within the hierarchy such as Lincoln Financial.
If your Producer is actively registered with Finra, the designation will map the Broker Dealer name and the Broker Dealer's CRD# in the designated spot.
To enable the placeholder simply click into the name field of the hierarchy and select the "APPLY" button for the "Broker Dealer" option in the list.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all carrier settings support the Broker Dealer placeholder. Only those carriers that require the Broker Dealer be placed within the hierarchy between the Top IMO and the Producer.
Do you have other Placeholder needs or suggestions? Provide a comment for our Team.....we'd love to hear from you!