
Jim Friend -

This article explains the metrics shown on the SureLC Dashboard page. The dashboard is made up of the following four sections. Review the information below to learn how to access the dashboard and about the information shown in each section.   


1. Contract requests breakdown by stage 

2. Agency worker's performance chart 

3. Active producer's resident license distribution 

4. Recruiting 




How to Access the Dashboard 

Step 1: Log in to SureLC as an agency admin. 

Step 2: Select the Dashboard icon  Dashboard_icon.png  at the top of the navigation menu. 

Dashboard Example 




1. Contract requests - breakdown by stage 

This section shows the total number of pending contracts at the different stages of the contracting workflow for the selected period (for this example, it's for the last month). The colors show additional details about the age of the pending contracts. Color codes are used to show how long each of these contracts has been at the current stage. 


 Producer This column shows the number of pending contracts at the producer stage. The color code indicates how long the contracts have been at this stage. The example above it shows that there is one contract that has been at the producer stage for less than 2 days.  
 BGA This column shows the number of pending contracts currently at the BGA stage. The example above shows 18 pending contracts, with 11 at this stage for over two weeks, 5 at this stage within the last week, and 2 within the past two days. 
 Signature  This column shows the number of contract requests (request reviews) that were sent but have not yet been completed and signed by the producers. Color codes indicate how long they have been at this stage. 
 Completed Shows the total number of contracts that have been marked completed for the selected time period.   
 Discarded Shows the total number of discarded contracts for the selected period. 


Additional options - Select any of the icons shown to the right within each section to change the view and/or save the section info as an image file.   




2. Agency Worker's performance chart 

This section shows the total number of pending contracts at different stages of the contracting workflow by an agency worker. Hover over any of the rows with your mouse for more information.  


Use the icons to the right to change the view or to export the chart as an image file. 

3. Active Producers resident licenses distribution

The U.S. image map shows the total number of producers by resident license state. Hover over any state to see how many of your producers have a residential license in that state. The heat map shown to the right provides additional information. In the following example, Texas is the most populous producer resident license state. Use the icons highlighted on the top left to switch to a table view, restore the original view, or download an image file (PNG). 




4. Recruiting 

This section shows the total number of agents who were recently onboarded. Details show the number of producers who registered, completed their profile, and started contracting for the specified time period (for this example, over the past month). Color codes also show how many producers registered, completed their SureLC profiles, and started contracting. Use the icons shown to the right for more options. 




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