Adding your Agency Logo to the Custom Link and SuranceBay Clients Page

Jim Friend -


If you would SuranceBay to add your agency logo to your agency's custom link page please send an email to with a copy of your agency logo. 

Your logo MUST be in a .PNG format and be 128 x 128 pixels or smaller. 

Once added, your logo will be shown to the left of your agency information on the custom link page.  

Logo Example 1.png


If you would like SuranceBay to add your agency logo to the SuranceBay clients list shown on please include a 2nd agency logo in a .PNG format with the request. The logo MUST be 200 x 200 pixels. Once added, your agency logo will be icluded in our clients list as shown in the following example. 

Logo Example 2.png


If you have any additional questions please contact the SuranceBay support team by sending an email to or call us at 877-264-6888. Thank you. 






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