Some SureLC Agencies prefer to process contract requests on behalf of their producers. However, for compliance purposes, ALL carriers supported in SureLC require that the producer reviews the contracting paperwork themselves BEFORE applying their signature to the contracting forms.
If one of your producers has not yet confirmed a carrier contract request that you initiated, you can use the following steps to send another request review email (which will now be marked as urgent) to the producer.
Step 1
Login to
Step 2
Select Work Inbox at the top of the navigation menu.
Step 3
Use the search field to locate the pending carrier contract for the producer. Here you can search by carrier or producer name. Once located, select the Actions button at the end of the row followed by Remind.
Step 4
In the 'Request Producer Review' window select the Re-Request Producer Review button at the bottom of the window. This will send a new carrier contract request review email to the producer at the selected email address.
A confirmation message will be shown when sent.
The producer will receive an urgent request review email from
The email sent to your producers originates from an domain email address. Even though the subject line and body of the email include your agency's name, sometimes producers will either mark the email as spam/junk or disregard the email because it is not originating from an email address domain they are used to seeing (e.g. your agency's email address domain).
You can input your email address and then click Request Producer Review sending the email to your inbox. Forward the email to the producer so that the email asking the producer to "Review" originates from your email address (a trusted source).