There are multiple functions available to manage producers in SureLC. Login to, then click Producers in the left navigation menu.
Adding Comments or Marking Producer Records
SureLC provides a couple tools to note records and filter or search records.
Adding Comments to the Producer allows quick reference to important notes about the Producer.
- Comments could be related to following up with the agent (Such as checking on production levels for a future date).
- Noting personal details (such as: Enjoys golfing).
- First, you will need to turn on Advanced Mode. When this option is selected, you can view producer details and notes after clicking on a row, and group producers by affiliation directly in the table.
- Click the gear icon, then check the Advanced Mode box.
- Click the on the producer row to expand the view
- Click Add Note
- Type any Notes in the field provided.
- Select Save Note.
- Internal notes are shown with the eye icon (only your agency can see these).
Marking a Producer places a Pin icon on the producer row. Reasons to mark producers include:
- Indicate a favorite or frequently used profile
- Following-up for outstanding requirements.
- Inviting them to an outing.
- Click on the
Actions menu on the right.
- Select Mark Producer to add the Pin icon to the producer row