Commission forms excluded from SureLC

Chris Toth -

SuranceBay supports about 99% of the forms carriers require for contracting purposes. CLICK HERE to see our full policy.

However Aetna Companies (See affiliated carrier list below) has approximately 600+ compensation forms that require NO data applied to the form itself.  They've created separate compensation forms for every level within every state.  

In other words......a separate compensation form will need to be submitted for EVERY STATE the producer intends to get appointed.  

For example:  If your producer is requesting to be appointed in 10 different states at level 5, you'll need to include 10 different compensation forms that require NO data applied.  Indicating the compensation level alone on the carrier's hierarchy form is not sufficient.


While we do support most carrier required forms, maintaining 600+ compensation forms that require NO data and/or signatures applied, is something we don't support. 

When completing Aetna Company contract requests, please process and send the contract to yourself.  This will allow you to add any additional attachments needed for compensation purposes prior to sending on to the carrier.


Affiliated carrier list:

  • Aetna Health and Life Insurance Company
  • American Continental Insurance Company
  • Continental Life Insurance Company of Brentwood, Tennessee
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