"Why is it that one of my Affiliate Agency's cannot see a producer I know they should have access to?"
This one is simple. Ask yourself this. What Affiliation has the Affiliate Agency been designated to manage? Please note that affiliate agency admins will only have access to one affiiation. Once you know that piece if information, follow the steps below to remedy.
1. Login to SureLC.com and then go to the Producers page.
2. Locate the producer profile using the search field.
3. Check the Affiliation column to see what group the producer is currently assigned to. Does it match the Affiliation your Affiliate Agency has been setup to manage?
4. If the affiliation assignment is incorrect select the actions button at the end of the producer row (as shown above) followed by Change Affiliation.
5. Select the correct affiliation within the affiliations list and then click Apply to save the changes.
For more information about Affiliate Agencies click here. For more information about Affiliations click here.