"Why is it that when I send a producer a Request Review he/she never get's it?"
After sending the Request Review email to the producer, should the producer not see the email, have them check two things:
1. The Request Reviwew email may be sitting in their spam/junk folder.
2. Their e-mail virus protection could be set so high, that ANY email that comes from the @surancebay domain will not get through to either the inbox or spam/junk folder.
3. Check the producer's contact email within their SureLC Profile shown on the Profile page. Make sure they still have access to the emails sent to that address. If they don't update the email address and then resend the Request Review email as shown below using the remind option.
Follow the steps below to remedy the problem:
- Open the producer profile and go to the Contracting Requests page (this is the last tab on the top right).
- For the request in question, you will see a clock or a red flag icon in the column labeled Reviewed. Select the actions button followed by remind to resend the Request Review to the producer.
- The system will show the producers e-mail address. Change that to YOUR e-mail address, then press Re-request review.
- When it shows up in your inbox (or spam/junk), simply forward the email on to the producer. This was the e-mail will come from you and have a much better chance of getting through.
- Once the producers completes the review, you can process the contract as normal.
The second reason this might happen is the e-mail address on file for the producer is wrong. If this is the case, all you need to do is type in the correct e-mail address after you press the Request Review button. Later, you can go into the producers profile and change the incorrect e-mail address as needed on the profile page.