A certain carrier is not showing on the carriers list when requesting a contract?

Jim Friend -

"Why is it that when I go to request an carrier contract, or the producer goes to request a contract, the carrier I'm looking for is NOT listed?" 

There are a few reasons why this is happening:

1. You have not allowed the producers assigned Affiliation to request this carrier. To remedy, follow the steps below:

  • Find out what the producers assigned Affiliation is. This can be found on the Producers page in the affiliation column. 
  • Next, go to your Carriers page in the navigation menu. Choose the carrier in question, then click on the Affiliations tab. 
  • In the Affiliations list, make sure the producers assigned Affiliation is checked? If not, check it. 
  • From that point on, that carrier will now show in the list of carriers that can be chosen when requesting appointments for this producer and ALL of the other producers assigned to that affiliation. 

2. You have not allowed contracting requests for that carrier in a certain state(s). To remedy, follow the steps below.

  • Find out which state(s) the producer has a license in. This can be found by going to the producers profile and clicking on the Licenses Tab
  • Next, go to your Carriers page. Choose the carrier in question then click the States tab. 
  • In the list of states, are the state(s) that the producers has a license(s) in have a check mark in the box next to it/them? If not, check it/them. 
  • From that point on, that carrier will now show in the list of carriers that can be chosen when requesting appointments for the producers who are licensed in those states. 

3. The carrier has not been added to your agency's list of Available Carriers. To remedy, follow THESE STEPS to add the carrier to your list. 

  • From that point on, (assuming you have not restricted any Affiliations or states) that carrier will now show in the list of carriers that can be chosen when requesting appointments for this producer. 
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