Why is there a Red Flag in the Reviewed column on my producers Contracting Requests Page?

Jim Friend -

When I am looking at a producers Contracting Requests, I see a Red Flag in the Reviewed column for one of his/her appointment requests. Here is a screen shot showing what I see. 


The reason you see the RED FLAG is, an agency worker sent this producer a Review Request over 48 hours ago and he/she still hasn't completed it. 

Well, how would I have known what the Red Flag meant had I not asked? 

Select the Legend button on the top right corner of the screen. The call out box shows what the various icons mean that are shown on the Contracting Requests screen.  


When reviewing the legend, Please note -a white Hourglass icon means the review request was sent less than 24 hours ago. A red Hourglass icon means the review was sent between 24 and 48 hours ago. A green check mark means the review was completed by the producer.  

Well, that makes perfect sense, but what if I need to send the review request again?

Simple, just select the actions button at the end of the carrier contract row followed by the Remind option. Next, select the Re-Request Producer Review button to send an urgent contract request review email to the producer. 



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    Knoche, Jennifer

    Can this article be archived or updated with the new web version that has been released?