UHC (Medicare Solutions) - Requirements Mandated in SureLC

Chris Toth -

Through our interaction with UHC (Medicare Solutions), they've requested we implement some requirements  to ensure that submitted contracting paperwork is "in-good-order". 
Each of the following requirements were mandated in SureLC at the carrier's request to prevent any NIGO (Not In Good Order) issues from arising which can often take significantly longer to "fix" then to "prevent".
  • Backdating paperwork - You may only backdate paperwork up to 30 days from the date you process the contract.  UHC-Medicare Solutions will not accept contracting paperwork dated more than 30 days in the past. 

If you're working from an existing request that dates back further than 30 days, you'll be prompted to re-send the request to your Producer for review (See example below):


  • E&O Requirements - UHC-Medicare Solutions requires producers to have active E&O insurance, with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 annual aggregate.

Producers and/or Admins will be required to update E&O details according to these rules prior to being able to process requests through SureLC.  The E&O expiration date on the producer's profile must be in the future. 

Producers will be prompted with the following required attestation question:

In addition, if the producer accepts the attestation but doesn't have a current policy on file with the minimum requirements, the following warning will appear and the system will not allow you to proceed to the next step:


  • Resident State Required - For "Contracts" and "Transfer" requests through SureLC, you'll notice that the producer's resident state is automatically selected. UHC-Medicare Solutions requires the producer be appointed in their resident state always.
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