Crop or Enhance a Signature

Chelsie Gaspard -

How to Crop a Signature

How to Enhance a Signature


How to Crop a Signature

Occasionally, a signature image is not centered or appears really small. To correct the issue, simply edit the signature from the Signature Authorization page uploaded on your Producer's profile.

  • Go to Producers from the left navigation menu.


  • Search and select the Producer to open their profile.
  • Go to the Signature tab and click Edit


  • Select the Crop Again button



  • Drag the RED highlighted crop box over top of the signature.
  • Adjust the 4 corners of the RED crop box in & out, so the box hugs closely around the signature.


  • Avoid the outer BLACK box your Producer signed inside.
  • Avoid cutting off any part of your Producer's signature.
  • When set, select the CROP button.


  • Then CONFIRM to save it



How to Enhance a Signature

When you upload a Signature Authorization Page from one of your producers, it may be necessary for you to manually DARKEN the producer's signature image in order for the image to show up appropriately on carriers' contracting PDF forms. Please follow the steps below in order to darken/enhance the producer's signature image.

  • Go to Producers from the left navigation menu.


  • Search and select the Producer to open their profile.
  • Go to the Signature tab and click Edit


  • Select the Enhance button. 
  • Then Confirm to save


Note: You can only click on the Enhance button once. If clicking only once was not enough to darken the signature to your liking, simply start the enhancement process again.

Please also note that blue ink is not supported and if used may not show up correctly when applied to the contracting paperwork. You can easily convert blue signatures to black using the enhance option.



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