The Contracts tab is for Agencies to manage approved carrier contracts processed and state appointments.
When a Producer is first registered in your SureLC account, the system pulls in all active appointment records that have been recorded with NIPR (National Insurance Producer Registry). It's a one-way feed of information that is only provided once during the registration process.
Only the carrier record and state appointments are recorded. Writing Numbers are left blank.
Agencies can choose to maintain these records as needed but will need to make manual entries going forward as there are no updates applied to this page. Contracts that are marked processed through your agency and marked completed are added automatically.
The following topics are covered in this forum related to the Contracts Tab:
- Contracts Tab Overview
- Who Can View This Tab?
- How Does It Work?
- Where & How Are Contract Numbers Applied?
- What if Contract Numbers are NOT Being recorded within Your Account?
Contracts Tab Overview
1. Contract Example 1 - This contract example shows an SBLI contract that was completed on 11/01/2022. Once a pending contract is marked completed on the contracting requests tab or work inbox, it will be listed on the contracts tab. The information shown includes the carrier name, products, agent number, and start date. By default details are collapsed. Select the carrier row to review the contract details.
2. Contract Example 2 -This second contract example shows a Symetra contract. Notice how the row is collapsed. If there is a problem with the assigned agent number the text will be shown in yellow text. Select the row to expand the view to see additional contract details.
3. Add Contract Record - Select to add an active contract to the producer profile that was in place prior to the producer registering a SureLC profile with your agency.
4. Edit - Select the pencil icon when you want to edit or terminate an active contract within the SureLC profile. Please note terminating a contract in SureLC does not have any impact on the carrier contract or send anything to the carrier.
Who Can View This Tab?
This tab is unique to each Agency and viewable to your Agency Admins and Producers.
Producers can view the carrier contracts and agent numbers when logged into your Agency Producer portal. Producers cannot edit this section, it is read-only.
How Does It Work?
Contract records can be managed within the Contracts Tab, and are automatically added after changing a contract record status to "COMPLETED".
Details on how to change contract record status' can be found HERE.
To ADD a Contract Record:
- Select Producers in the left navigation menu.
- Click the producer's name in the first column to open their profile.
- Open the Contracts tab.
- Click Add Contract Record and select a carrier from the list.
- Enter the Agent Number assigned by the carrier and the Start Date.
- Complete the Products by selecting at least 1 item.
- Then click the Add Contract button.
To MODIFY an Existing Contract Record:
- Select Producers in the left navigation menu.
- Click the producer's name in the first column to open their profile.
- Open the Contracts tab and select the carrier row to expand the details view.
- Click the pencil icon to Edit an active contract within the SureLC profile.
- Changes can be made to Agent Number, Start Date, or Product selection.
- Select Save to confirm the changes.
To TERMINATE a Contract Record:
- Select Producers in the left navigation menu.
- Click the producer's name in the first column to open their profile.
- Open the Contracts tab and select the carrier row to expand the details view.
- Click the pencil icon to Edit an active contract within the SureLC profile.
- Change the status to Terminated.
- Complete the Close Date and Termination Reason.
- Select Save.
- Click Yes to confirm termination. Please be aware that you won't be able to undo this action.
- Terminated contracts are viewable under the Terminated Contracts tab.
Where & How Are Contract Numbers Applied?
Having contract numbers recorded not only provides your producers with a quick reference, it also enables quick mapping to carrier forms without the need to search through other applications or reference points.
Often carriers request an agent's existing contract number for post-contracting needs, such as EFT Payment changes, Advancing, Hierarchy & Commission Changes, and a number of other situations.
If contract numbers are being recorded to Producer profiles, they'll be applied to the forms seamlessly. You'll know when there's a recorded contract number the moment a request is started.
Step 1 of the request will display the active record.
The Carrier Questions step will display the recorded contract number in the "Writing Agent #" field.
Multiple Writing Numbers: If there is more than one contract number recorded on the profile, only the most current number will be displayed. Make a simple adjustment to the "Writing Agent #" field to apply a different contract number:
The designated number will map to the forms where needed:
Firm Writing Numbers: If your agent is set up as a Business Entity, there will be two fields. One field for the Principal's personal writing number, and another representing the Firm's writing number.
What if Contract Numbers are NOT being recorded within Your Account?
If your agency is already using another system to record contract numbers, you may not have time to record and maintain these in your SureLC account. However, you'll still need to reference the contract number when processing post-contracting needs such as:
- EFT Payment Changes
- Advancing Changes
- Hierarchy & Commission Changes
- Etc.....
In these cases, there will be a field in the Carrier Questions step to provide your Producer's "Agent Writing #". Whatever number is entered will map accordingly to the carrier's forms.