John Hancock - LOA/Solicitor's EFT Requirements

Chris Toth -

EFT documents are now included for LOA (Licensed Only Agents) contracting with John Hancock.

John Hancock requires an EFT form and Voided check with each request even when the agent isn't getting paid directly by the carrier.  

When the agent is setup as LOA, the carrier requires EFT information for the Agent's DIRECT UPLINE, where commissions will be paid. 

To satisfy the request and eliminate any delays in contracting, we've arranged to include the DIRECT UPLINES's EFT form and Voided Check  as an option to include in the soliciting agent's request when it is needed.



2222.jpgDON'T FORGETThe forms are setup as OPTIONAL......The Admin processing the request will need to place a checkmark next to the two documents if you want them to be included in the request sent.


3333.pngPLEASE NOTEThe documents will NOT be sent to your Producer during the review.  This was intentional to keep the EFT information private between your agency and the carrier directly.



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