Sagicor worked with SuranceBay to enable bi-directional integration between SureLC and their home office system(s). Now, submitting requests is easier and the turnaround time is drastically reduced for you and your agents through this automated workflow. You'll find out right within SureLC approved/declined responses and much more!
Supported Request Types for Direct Integration
- Contracts
For Transfers, Hierarchy, Additional States, or Payment (EFT account change request) - you should continue submitting these requests types as you normally would
⚠️ ALERT: ALL Contract requests submitted for a producer will be sent electronically for this carrier. This includes the first request along with ALL subsequent appointment requests.
How It Works
On the last step within SureLC, you will see an indication that reads: "Will Be Submitted Electronically", as shown below (Contracts only).
After you "Process" the request, you will receive an email with a PDF copy of the paperwork for your records. Please note, the PDF file that you receive will be watermarked with "Electronically sent to carrier, do not submit."
Sagicor will receive the data and contract directly for automated processing on their end, there is nothing further you need to do.
Status Updates!
SuranceBay is very pleased to have worked with Sagicor to make status updates available directly within SureLC for your review. You will not have to call or email the carrier to find the status, the details are available directly within SureLC!
The possible status updates are:
- Request Received - indicates that Sagicor has received the request
- Producer Due Diligence Started
- Producer Due Diligence Completed
- Request Approved
- Request Rejected (and a reason description if applicable)
NOTE - any notes/comments that you add within SureLC are NOT corresponded back to the carrier!
To view the status updates, single-click on the carrier name within the producer's appointments list, as shown below.
Once the carrier approves the request, the request is moved to the producers Completed file. To get there, open the producers Appointments screen and in the Filter by: options select Completed instead of All Open.