Producer Profile -> Carrier Contracts

Jim Friend -

Select Carrier Contracts in the navigation menu to view the current list of ALL contracts completed with SureLC. This list will be updated whenever a new carrier contract has been completed.  


The carrier contracts tab is comprised of the following two sections which are highlighted above.  

Active Contracts

This tab shows the total number of active contracts completed through SureLC. Click on any carrier name/row view contract information. The following details are shown: 

  • Agent Number - Shows the agent writing code provided by the carrier for the producer.
  • Start Date - The date the contract started. 
  • Products - The product(s) the producer is able to sell per the contract. 
  • Actions - Use the download link to obtain a copy of the contracting paperwork. 

Terminated Contracts  

This tab is used to show any contracts that have been terminated by the agency. 


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