How to use the "Can Invite Downlines" Feature

Jim Friend -

This article explains how agencies can enable the "Can Invite Downlines" feature for their producers. By using this feature, agencies can allow trusted producers to recruit their downline agents and set the producer who sent the invite as their upline. Please note that this feature is enabled on a per-producer basis.  Producers with this feature enabled can:   

  • Email downline agents, inviting them to register for a new SureLC account under your agency. 
  • They should set themselves up as the upline for the invited downline agents. The upline information will be shown on the producer page. 
  • Initiate one or more new carrier contract requests for their invited downline agents. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Enabling this feature for any registered producer under your agency will allow them to recruit downline agents, which adds the downline as a producer to your agency's account. Your agency will be responsible for all related fees. 

Please ensure that the producer you are enabling this feature for understands exactly how they will be using it and the impact new producer profiles have on your agency BEFORE enabling it.  


How to Enable the "Can Invite Downlines" Feature 

Step 1: Log in to SureLC and go to the Producers screen. 

Step 2: On the Producers page, locate the producer you would like to enable this feature for and select their name to open their profile.  


Step 3: Select the DBA tab, and then check the box that says "Can Invite Downlines".  Once enabled, the producer will have access to a new section in their SureLC profile (which will be accessed from the SureLC for Producers web interface). 


Please note: This feature can only be enabled for agents who have completed carrier contracts. Completed carrier contracts will determine which carriers the upline agent will be able to invite their downline agents for. 




Producer View  

Producers with the "Can Invite Downlines" feature enabled will see two new pages in the SureLC for Producers web interface when logging into their account.  These are Invitations and Downlines (as shown below). 

Invitations Page - Pending 

This page will send new invitations to downline producers, and the status of the invites will be monitored once they are sent. The "Pending" tab shows ALL of the sent invites that the invited agents haven't completed. Invites can easily be deleted or resent from this page. 




New Invitations 

Producers will enter the required information below in the Downline Info section to send an invite to a downline agent. This includes the producer's name, email address, and at least one carrier. To save time, carrier templates can created and saved for future use.  


Invitation Email 

Invited downline agents will receive an invite email with instructions explaining how to register and activate their new SureLC account. The following example shows the email received by Linda Johnson sent by their upline agent Lita Smith, who works with the Pilot Agents Agency: 



Invitations Page - Completed 

This section will show a list of ALL downline agents who completed their registration using the invite. The information includes the downline name, email, carriers, and completion date.



Invitations Page - Expired 

This section lists ALL downline agents who have not completed their registration from the invite email within the required period (2 weeks from the sent date). The information shown includes the downline name, email, carrier, and expiration date. Invites can easily be resent to the agent using the Resend button. 



Downlines Page 

This page shows a list of ALL agents who have completed their registration. 



Producers Page - Direct Upline Set 

Once a producer completes their registration from the upline invite, they will be listed in on the producers page along with their upline (as shown in the example below). 


Please note: If the upline has to be changed in the future, you can use the "Set Upline" option under the actions list. 


Important Note: Setting the producer upline does not impact how the agent will do business with your agency or who the agent will be soliciting for when set up as a license-only agent. The direct upline setting will also not affect the hierarchy & commission information entered when processing a carrier contract. The upline name will be listed as a suggestion when using the strict checkbox on the hierarchy & commission page near the top of the list. 


For more information, please contact SuranceBay technical support by sending an email to or by dialing 877-264-6888. 



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