New Producer Registration Instructions Example

Jim Friend -

Now that you'll be using SureLC to register and contract your agents you'll want to draft an email communication to provide instructions to your agents which explain how to register for a new SureLC account with your agency. 


Dear Producer,

ABC Agency is pleased to announce we’ll begin using SureLC for new carrier contracting starting on mm/dd/yyyy. Please follow the instructions below to register for a new SureLC account with ABC Agency. 

Step 1:
Click the link below to start the registration process. This will take you to our login & registration page.

<enter your agency's dedicated weblink or custom affiate link here>

Please note: You can embed the link to something shorter like Click Here using Microsoft Word or an email client such as Gmail or MS Outlook> 

Step 2: Select REGISTER NEW ACCOUNT at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Enter the required information. Your information will be validated with the National Insurance Producer Registry database. Once located, you’ll see a green check mark. This means your good to go.     

Step 4: Enter your email address twice at the bottom of the page. Please make sure it’s spelled correctly, the email will be used as your login user id and where you’ll receive email correspondence. Finally, select  the “Create Account” button to complete your account setup.

Step 5: Once your account is created, you’ll receive an account activation email from  Locate the email and then use the Click Here link to activate your account and create your account password.   

Step 6: After successfully creating your password you’ll be automatically logged into your SureLC account. The first time you log in you’ll need to review and accept SuranceBay's SaaS & Terms of Use policies to continue. 
Make sure you save your login credentials (login user id email and password) and bookmark the web page for future access!

Step 7:  At this point, you'll be logged into your SureLC account. Use the navigation menu on the left to move between the pages that make up your profile. Review the info on the top of the welcome page to get started.  To learn more about how to use the SureLC web interface click here. Or, select the following link to watch a short video tutorial.


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