This is planned, and similar to https://surancebay.zendesk.com/entries/21787068-Limitation-of-Product-Lines-displayed
RM #3823
We are an agency that sells many products for each carrier, some of them only 1 product while other carriers, 3-4 products. I suggest some type of field where we can enter notes in to better explain what we have with that carrier and so we know which box to select on the contract type. I am creating a manual cheat sheet but something in this system would be very helpful and would increase productivity of our licensing team and reduce questions.
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This is planned, and similar to https://surancebay.zendesk.com/entries/21787068-Limitation-of-Product-Lines-displayed
RM #3823
The ability to limit products on a per carrier basis was added to SureLC on 12/1/2014. You can go to Agency Setup > Carriers and make your selections.