Producer Carrier Contracts - How to Change Status or Discard a Record

Chris Toth -

Changing the status or discarding a contract request will help in keeping your Work Inbox clean and simply help keep track of your Producer's contracting requests until approved and completed.

Please Note:  Status changes and Notes can also be made while working within the Producer profile.


This forum covers the following topics:




Change Stage (Status):

Stages are automatically changed with each step taken in the workflow to alert the Agency Worker of the stage the contract request is in.

Stages available are:

  • At BGA - Contract request has been initiated and is now ready for processing by your agency.
  • At Carrier - Contract request was processed and now requires follow-up with the Carrier.
  • At Producer - Contract request awaiting completion by Producer.
  • Completed - Contract request was approved and writing number assigned.
  • Withdrawn - Contract request was withdrawn from the carrier and will be archived.
  • Discarded - Contract was no longer needed.

As Request Reviews are sent out to Producers, the stage on the record changes to "At Producer". 

Once reviewed the stage changes to "At BGA" letting Agency Workers know there is something to process.

Once processed the stage changes to "At Carrier" assuming that any processed requests are either being emailed or electronically sent to the carrier.  To see a list of carriers that are electronically submitted CLICK HERE.  

Once the carrier approves the contract, Agency Workers can change the stage to "Completed", and indicate the carrier's assigned agent number for the Producer and Firm if applicable.


How do I change the status myself?

  • Go to Producers
  • Search for the Producer and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu on the right
  • Click View Contracting Requests
  • Highlight the carrier contract you want to change and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu
  • Click Change Stage


  • (1) Use the dropdown menu to choose the Stage you would like to apply
  • (2) Add text to the Comment field
  • (3) Click the Save button when done



Add Notes:

Notes are a great way to leave a trail of detail for other co-workers or even the Producer. 

  • Go to Producers
  • Search for the Producer and open the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu on the right
  • Select View Contracting Requests
  • Click the Carrier row to expand the view
  • Select +Add Note and type any comments needed
  • Click the Save Note button when done


Please note: you can can mark notes as private so they aren't displayed to your Producer by simply selecting the "Set as Internal Note" checkbox.


Complete and Add an Agent Number:

Changing the status of a record to "Completed" allows Agency Workers to maintain agent numbers on the Producer profile for quick reference.

Additionally, once the record is moved to a "Completed" status, it's moved out of the Work Inbox and filed into the agents "Completed" contracts list, maintaining records in an organized fashion away from the pending issues still in process.

  • Go to Producers
  • Search for the Producer and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu on the right
  • Click View Contracting Requests
  • Highlight the carrier contract and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu
  • Click Mark Completed


  • Enter Agent Number assigned by the carrier.
  • Type any comments needed.
  • Select the Add Contract button when done


Please note: Producers setup as a "Business Entity" will be able to record separate agent numbers assigned to the Principal and the Firm. 


Where can I view "Completed" contract records?

Once a record is changed to a "Completed" status, you can retrieve details in two locations:

  • Filter Button - From the Contracting Requests list for the Producer, select the "Stage" filter menu and click the "Completed" list.
  • Contracts Tab - Completed records are mapped to the Producer's "Contract Tab".  The contracts tab provides a quick glance of all "Completed" contracts for the producer. To see more information on the Contracts tab, click here.
  • Please note: Completed contracts can be viewed by Producers in the SureLC for Producers web interface on the Contracts tab. 


Discard Request:

There may be a need to discard requests for a variety of reasons:

  • Producer never reviewed the request.
  • Producer no longer has business to write with the particular carrier.
  • Carrier rejected the application
  • Contract Request created in error

Whatever the reason is, you can quickly "Discard" the request to remove it from your Pending records.  

Additionally, once the record is moved to a "Discarded" status, it's moved out of the Work Inbox and filed into the agents "Discarded" contracts folder.

  • Go to Producers
  • Search for the Producer and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu on the right
  • Click View Contracting Requests
  • Highlight the carrier contract and select the Action_Menu_More_Options.png Actions menu
  • Click Discard


  • Type a Comment to note why you are discarding the contract request
  • Click the "Set as Internal Note" checkbox if you do not want the note displayed to the Producer.
  • Select the "Discard" button when done.


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