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Address changes at the Carriers

Can you tell me if there is a simple way to use your software to send the  carriers a change of address? I do not see that as an option under  "Request" in the appointment section.

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I would love to use SureLC to notify carriers of a producers address change. It would be even better if I could type the address change in once and select which carriers to submit it it without having to process the same request over and over for multiple carriers.

Chelsie Parker 0 votes
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Yes, a producer address change feature would be very helpful to me. 

Awilson 0 votes
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Being able to process address changes as well as EFT changes by selecting multiple carriers at one time would be terrific.

Shannon Bonsall 0 votes
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We plan on implementing this feature request.  As of this writing, we don't have a delivery date, but as we get closer, we'll be updating this posting along with our users.

RM #3825

Anatole T. 0 votes
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For example, American General requires their form to change addresses, this form is available under the carrier on SureLC, but there isn't any way to populate it under the agency/producers.

Anne L. Larson 0 votes
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Is there an update on implementing this feature? It would save me so much time if I could process address change notifications as well as EFT changes by selecting multiple carriers at one time.

Chelsie Parker 0 votes
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Hi folks,

We spoke with several agencies today and got their feedback on this request - specifically the ability to send address change requests to multiple carriers at once.  The general response was that most carriers do not require an address change to be submitted on a specific form (with a couple exceptions like Fidelity Life and Equitrust).  They indicated that carriers will accept an email from the agency requesting the address change.  Even the carriers that occasionally request a specific form like American General do not hold fast to that requirement when the agency pushes back a little.

The agencies we talked to felt that they were able to deal with address changes fairly effectively by just sending emails to the carriers directly.  This ensures that the email comes from the agency's email address rather than from a email address, which is important for some carriers.  The question was raised about how address changes to the producer's NIPR tab would affect the address change requests if SuranceBay were to implement this feature request.  Based on this uncertainty together with the ease of the existing process at the agencies today it was decided that this is not a high priority enhancement.

However, it is a different story when it comes to EFT change requests.  The group of agencies agreed that this would be a valuable enhancement.  There is separate feature request for this item that you can review here.

In light of that and the fact that the address change request feature is a low priority I am changing the status of this request to Not Panned at this time.

Mike Abrahamson 0 votes
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