General Information - Feature Requests
Ideas and requests for new features. Suggest ideas. Vote for the best. See what's planned.
Americo not listed as option in contracting request page
Where do we find the place where the carriers are listed to contract with them?
Adding Non-Resident License
direct deposit
Add the option to add an ALERT to an agent
Adding Non-Resident License
Change Affiliations
Use GA Address
carriers and products
Contract Pending New Business Status
Setup License Renewal Notifications by affiliation
Review Requests
4 Hour Annuity CE Completion Tracking
Pending New Business Column on Appointment Requests
Categorizing Uploaded Documents
Notification when missing items are uploaded
DBA Tab Clarity
Select All States button for Americo Contract
Reporting for Sub-agencies
Producer License List
Offer Multiple License Renewal Reminders
Where do I go to get my E & O insurance coverage.
LIMRA AML Screenshot
Pause in web version of SureLC
Continung educatoin maangemnt adn tracking for producers.