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Email Notifications to General Agency (GA) when a Producer (Agent) Registers

A recommedation I have is to send the General Agency (GA) an email notification when a Producer (Agent) registers on SURE LC.  By allowing the General Agency (GA) to know when a Producer (Agent) registers will help ensure the Producer's request is handled to completion.  As it stands now, a Producer can register, not select an appointment request, and think that they have completed the process.  Since the GA is not notifed of the Producer's registration, it could go unnoticed making the Producer's appointment process longer than necessary.  Also, we have been told once the GA has a certain amount of Producers in their file, the Home screen no longer shows the individual Producer's profile box which would make it difficult to see if a new Producer has registered.  Then the only option to see a Producer is to "Search" for the them.  Having an email notification would insure the GA could follow up with the Producer if needed.


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SuranceBay will be pushing a new release into production on Monday, 6/10, which will include this feature. We hope that by providing this feature, it makes all of your lives easier.

Please continue to post and/or vote on other Feature Request Items. It was specifically due to this posting and subsequent feedback related to this post that this feature was implemented


The following link will walk you through how to setup this function under your Agency Setup page:


Please Note: This Agency Setup option is only available for Web Access users.

Chris Toth 0 votes
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The link in the comments for direction on how to set this up says it's not a valid link.  Can you please give us the link and directions on how to get this set up?

Karen Whaley 0 votes
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